Tuesday, November 29, 2016
How Motivational Speakers Can Help Employees
As the president of Health Mate, Inc., in Southeast Michigan since 1999, Dr. Sandra Schiff has provided individuals and business with various services, including training, consulting, and coaching. Additionally, Dr. Sandra Schiff has served as a motivational speaker at local and national conferences.
Motivational speaking in a business context can bring new perspectives to employees in several ways. By encouraging employees to think about their own experiences and “dig deep” for inspiration, motivational speakers can enable them to overcome “mental block.” In doing so, they can potentially come up fresh ideas and new approaches to long-standing problems, perhaps some of which may have seemed insurmountable.
Additionally, if your business notices a drop in sales and profits, a motivational speaker can help increase its sales. With fresh ideas and strategies, in addition to a healthy dose of optimism, employees can get back on track and generate additional revenue for your business.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
The I Rise Family Empowerment Program
Dr. Sandra Schiff brings more than 30 years of experience to her role as president of Health Mate, Inc. Dr. Sandra Schiff gives back to her community by sharing her skills and experience with organizations such as the YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit, where she serves as an I Rise Family Empowerment Program (I Rise) personal coach.
I Rise supports working parents using a combination of financial and career coaching, motivational tools, and child care support. Each month the life/career coach present a motivational forum addressing topics important to working families such as career advancement, raising college-bound kids, finding your purpose, budgeting, resume strategies, and other topics regarding successful family life. By providing a range of resources, the program empowers families to achieve more for themselves.
The staff works with the parents of children currently enrolled in YMCA child care. Participants typically have annual incomes between 100 percent and 200 percent of the national poverty level.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Wayne State Receives Ranking of 67th in US Academic Quality
Sandra Schiff is a part-time professor at Wayne State University. Working as an adjunct faculty member, Sandra Schiff teaches in the Wayne State University School of Social Work.
Wayne State University has been ranked 67th in academic quality in the United States. Wayne State University also ranks 225th world-wide. This prestigious honor was based on the number of publications produced in higher education institutions. Wayne State was listed as an A+ school, the second highest rating behind A++. In the United States, only 37 universities are ranked as A+, among which are Purdue University and Brown University.
Wayne State University is one of the most renowned urban research universities in the United States. Over a recent 90 day period Wayne State received over $33.7 million in research grants, including awards to study "the use of buprenorphine in combating relapse in recovering opioid users," "improving asthma management in youth," schizophrenia research, "HIV prevention among youth," "environmental influences on child health," to "develop a data-driven health informatics system for addressing health challenges," a study of PTSD, a grant to "advance the understanding of Alzheimer's and dementia," and a grant to "impact Detroit public school students' interest in STEM," science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Five Training Programs of the Peoplemap System
Sandra Schiff focuses on training, consulting, and coaching services. A member of the International Coaching Federation, Sandra Schiff is also a certified Peoplemap executive coach. The Peoplemap System offers five training programs that help individuals develop their intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.
Peoplemap’s basic program is designed to teach individuals how to manage all relationships successfully. This one-day session also includes a basic technique for achieving personal peak performance.
The leadership development program focuses on specific skills. These include dealing with crisis, developing communication skills, and promoting growth.
Meanwhile, the teambuilding program helps organizational teams achieve greater cohesiveness. The skills taught in this program promote productive working relationships.
A targeted session, the peak performance program helps individuals set pragmatic goals and achieve positive results. Its foci include motivation, personality style, procrastination, and self-image.
The fifth program, executive coaching, addresses all skills needed by people in leadership positions, including setting a vision, creating a plan, and encouraging creativity.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
About the Now What? Coaching Program
As a personal, transition, and leadership coach, Dr. Sandra Schiff draws on training in a variety of techniques and methodologies. Certified as a Care Transitions coach and a PeopleMap facilitator, Dr. Sandra Schiff recently received her credential as a facilitator of the Now What? Coaching system®.
Based on the book by Laura Berman Fortgang, the Now What?® Coaching methodology empowers the pursuit of positive change. It is a fully customizable curriculum that aligns each individual's life and professional situation to his or her needs, wants, and values. Certified facilitators lead clients through the program over the course of 90 days, during which time the client develops a specific action plan geared toward pursuit of a particular goal.
The program centers on the belief that the client's sense of purpose will drive his or her success. For this reason, Now What? facilitators and program representatives do not review a client's resume, but instead assess work situation as part of an individual's entire life experience. Meanwhile, clients engage in in-depth reflection and complete weekly assignments to reveal new goals that successfully excite and motivate over nine out of 10 individuals to move forward.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
An Explanation of Leadership Coaching
The owner of SMS Coaching and Health Mate, Inc., in southeast Michigan, Dr. Sandra Schiff offers leadership and executive coaching as well as personal and transitional support. Dr. Sandra Schiff comes to her role having trained and guided leaders in a variety of fields.
Like an athletic coach, a leadership coach helps his or her client to develop and work toward goals. For the business leader, however, this coaching addresses the skills that he or she needs to achieve professional success. Coaches assist clients with interpersonal communication, personal branding, and business acumen, so as to establish a foundation for comprehensive success.
In a leadership coaching session, the coach works closely with the client as a partner and guide. A skilled coach will listen closely to the client and develop an understanding of potential obstacles to success, while collaborating to determine goals and strategies for reaching them. In drawing on client strengths and offering assistance in improving on weaknesses, a coach optimizes a client’s overall leadership capabilities and, in turn, drives value for his or her organization.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Now What? - A 90-Day Program to Help People Live Their Best Lives
A Southeast Michigan-based coaching services professional with over three decades of experience, Dr. Sandra Schiff has served as president of Health Mate, Inc., since 1999. In addition to being a certified Care Transition Coach, Dr. Sandra Schiff is an Authorized Facilitator of the Now What? Program.
Developed by bestselling author and professional coach Laura Berman Fortgang, Now What? is a 90-day program that helps people advance their careers and improve the overall quality of their lives. People can either follow the Now What? curriculum on their own or under the guidance of an Authorized Facilitator who has been trained by Laura Berman Fortgang via several months of in-depth coursework.
The main goal of Now What? is to help people uncover what they want in life and then make the changes to attain it. Fortgang’s program, which is outlined in her book Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction, establishes week-by-week goals and provides tips and exercises to achieve them. Professional coaches trained in the program help clients implement the curriculum through guided questioning and exploration that establishes a strong foundation for ongoing and sustainable life improvement.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
WSU School of Social Work: Transition to Independence Program
Dr. Sandra Schiff provides a variety of training, consulting, and coaching services as president of Health Mate Inc. in Southeast, Michigan.The recipient of a PhD in psychology and geropsychology, Dr. Sandra Schiff also holds a master of social work from Wayne State University (WSU), where she currently serves as an adjunct faculty member.
Wayne State University was founded in 1868, and is a highly recognized research institution with an extensive campus in Midtown Detroit. In 2012, the School of Social work became the third-highest ranked program at the university.
Wayne State University’s School of Social Work runs the Transition to Independence Program (TIP), which was designed to offer young adults in foster care better access to college and improve their graduation rates. One of the program’s services is the dissemination of education-related news that affects this population.
TIP recently undertook an analysis of tuition waiver programs, exploring their prevalence across the country and determining areas for improvement. The analysis presented seven areas of comparison between the programs, which exist in 21 states.
All but one of the programs cover the cost of tuition and school fees. One exception, in Connecticut, offers coverage of books and housing only.
In 17 states (81 percent), the programs specify an age at which children must have been in foster care in order to be eligible for coverage, and eight programs require youth to have been in care for a minimum number of years. The majority of states will consider adopted teens for the program.
Academic standing is taken into consideration by 14 of the 21 programs (67 percent). Applicants are required to uphold a minimum GPA or show satisfactory progress. Only a few states require candidates have extra-curricular involvement, such as community service.plea
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Phases of Life Transitions Coaching
Dr. Sandra Schiff is the president of Health Mate, Inc., a business in Southeast Michigan that provides individuals with various consulting, training, and coaching services. Dr. Sandra Schiff has personally served as a Life Transitions Coach, a role designed to guide individuals through significant changes in their lives.
Life Transitions Coaching helps people establish and fulfill their life goals in more effective ways. The coaching process consists of three phases: Beginning, Creating, and Maintaining. It requires full commitment from the individuals seeking coaching and the coaches themselves. An individual must fully engage in the process by keeping scheduled appointments with the coach, setting weekly goals, and reporting progress.
Phase 1, the Beginning phase, establishes the transition the individual is currently making, taking into account opportunities, personal strengths, and potential challenges. This phase typically takes one to three sessions to complete and requires the individual to provide the coach with information about the transition, identify needs and values using tools provided by the coach, and establish initial goals pertaining to the transition.
Phase 2 is the Creating phase, which requires the individual to create a vision and plan and then begin carrying it out in daily life. This phase typically lasts one month to six months and asks the individual to explore options for the future, create a vision and mission statement, and come up with specific tasks for achieving the established goal. With the help of the coach, the individual creates both a long-term and a short-term plan for achieving goals during this phase.
The third phase, Maintaining, requires the individual to maintain the plans created in Phase 2. This involves planning tasks to complete between sessions, identifying successful completion of tasks, and planning for any obstacles. This phase lasts from one month to six or more months.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Cooking Vegetarian Meals for Everyone to Enjoy
Dr. Sandra Schiff, president of Health Mate, Inc., a company that provides individuals with various consulting, training, and coaching services, believes strongly in the importance of mental and physical health for all the individuals in a community. In addition to walking and biking regularly, Dr. Sandra Schiff loves to cook and maintains a vegetarian diet filled with creative recipes.
Vegetarian recipes can be satisfying and healthy for all types of eaters. Reducing meat in the diet reduces the consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, and vegetarian meals often provide a greater amount of dietary fiber and other important vitamins and minerals. Although it may seem challenging to some, a few helpful guidelines can make vegetarian cooking an easy process for any experienced cook.
Balance is an important detail to take into consideration when cooking vegetarian meals. Creating a meal that combines the right amounts of protein and fiber leads to feeling satisfied without overeating. Combining foods of different flavors and textures in a vegetarian dish excites the palate. Another strategy for cooking savory vegetarian meals is adding chewy or crunchy foods like seared tofu or nuts. Because of the extra chewing involved, the meal feels more filling and can even mimic the chewing of meat.
Slow roasting vegetarian food improves the taste and flavor of meatless meals, as it reduces the amount of water in vegetables, which originally consist of 80 to 95 percent water. A vegetarian lasagna sauce made with slow-roasted tomatoes is a savory choice for those accustomed to ground beef lasagna. The inclusion of so-called umami ingredients, which are high in glutamate, also gives vegetarian meals an appealing taste without the use of meat. These ingredients include asparagus, tomatoes, and seaweed as well as soy foods like tofu and edamame.
Monday, March 28, 2016
About the Elizabeth N. Brehler Scholars Program
A PhD graduate of Union Institute and College and a member of the International Coaching Federation, Dr. Sandra Schiff has served as the president of Health Mate, Inc., for over 15 years. Additionally, Dr. Sandra Schiff is a part-time adjunct professor at Wayne State University’s School of Social Work.
One of the country’s top schools in its field, the School of Social Work at Wayne State University was established in 1935. Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education and a member of the National Association of Social Workers, the school offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs that meet the five pillars of the field: education, human behavior, policy, practice methods, and research. To help students who participate in its programs, the Wayne State University School of Social Work provides a variety of financial aid and scholarship opportunities, including the Elizabeth N. Brehler Scholars Program.
Overseen by the Brehler Committee, the Elizabeth N. Brehler Scholars Program was created in 1991 to encourage personal and professional development through social work. Open to students who write a manuscript under the supervision of a faculty mentor, the scholarship requires the submission to incorporate at least two focus areas, ranging from diversity and ethical dilemmas to practice decisions and social policies. In addition to the $3,000 top scholarship, participants who follow the guidelines receive a gift card and a certificate.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Social Work a Rapidly Growing Field
Sandra Schiff, PhD, has a long and varied career in helping
professions. Head of her own consultancy, which focuses on executive and
leadership coaching, Dr. Sandra Schiff is also an adjunct professor of
social work at Detroit, Michigan’s Wayne State University, where she
earned her master of social work (MSW).
According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), social workers are highly trained and experienced professionals who have earned social work degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral levels and completed a minimum number of hours in supervised fieldwork. US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics projections indicate that social work is among the fastest-growing careers in the United States.
NASW loosely defines social work as psychosocial services and advocacy. Social workers help people restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning, NASW says, as well as help them overcome such challenges as poverty, discrimination, abuse, addiction, illness, divorce, disability, and unemployment.
According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), social workers are highly trained and experienced professionals who have earned social work degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral levels and completed a minimum number of hours in supervised fieldwork. US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics projections indicate that social work is among the fastest-growing careers in the United States.
NASW loosely defines social work as psychosocial services and advocacy. Social workers help people restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning, NASW says, as well as help them overcome such challenges as poverty, discrimination, abuse, addiction, illness, divorce, disability, and unemployment.
Friday, February 12, 2016
The Benefits of Friendship in Adulthood
As the president of Health Mate, Inc., and the head of SMS Coaching, Sandra Schiff provides coaching services in areas ranging from parenting to career transition. Specializing on the needs of older adults, Sandra Schiff understands the interpersonal connections that enhance life enjoyment and aging with dignity.
According to recent research, approximately 25 percent of American adults claim to have no one with whom they can share their concerns and triumphs. Those without a close confidant among their immediate family members seem to have no confidants at all. Data shows that this lack of intimate friendship not only reduces one's quality of life but can also impact overall health and longevity.
A study at Flinders University of Australia followed close to 1,500 older adults and found that a strong network of friends led to a 22 percent increase in longevity. Close relationships with family had no such effect. Strong social networks have also proven effective at improving cancer treatment outcomes, lowering blood pressure levels, and reducing the risk of both depression and dementia. Research has even shown that the presence of a friend can make a task appear less daunting, thus suggesting that the certainty of support in a friendship improves outlook and minimizes stress.
According to recent research, approximately 25 percent of American adults claim to have no one with whom they can share their concerns and triumphs. Those without a close confidant among their immediate family members seem to have no confidants at all. Data shows that this lack of intimate friendship not only reduces one's quality of life but can also impact overall health and longevity.
A study at Flinders University of Australia followed close to 1,500 older adults and found that a strong network of friends led to a 22 percent increase in longevity. Close relationships with family had no such effect. Strong social networks have also proven effective at improving cancer treatment outcomes, lowering blood pressure levels, and reducing the risk of both depression and dementia. Research has even shown that the presence of a friend can make a task appear less daunting, thus suggesting that the certainty of support in a friendship improves outlook and minimizes stress.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
The PeopleMap System - Test, Facilitators, and Results
Dr. Sandra Schiff is the president of Health Mate, Inc., a Michigan-based organization that helps individuals through life coaching, training, and consulting services. In that role, Dr. Sandra Schiff capitalizes on her expertise in organizational effectiveness as a certified PeopleMap facilitator.
Licensed psychologist Michael Lillibridge, Ph.D, developed the PeopleMap System, which consists of a personality questionnaire and corresponding programs that focus on effective communication, leadership styles, and achieving optimal productivity and performance. The personality test only consists of seven questions, but it yields a 95 percent accuracy rate. Like Myers-Briggs and similar questionnaires, the PeopleMap test organizes individuals into four different personality types. Facilitators guide participants through the test and a standard training program called “Understanding Yourself and Others.” Additional developmental programs are available that build on the initial course.
A survey of 525 participants concluded that individuals experience significant positive progress in categories like conflict resolution, productivity, and communication after completing PeopleMap training.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Farber Soul Center Opening in 2016
As president of Health Mate, Inc., Dr. Sandra Schiff offers coaching, training, and consulting services on both personal and professional levels. In her personal life, Dr. Sandra Schiff gives back to the community by being a part of the Farber Soul Center Committee.
Established in 1994, Friendship Circle, the organization behind the Farber Soul Center, focuses on helping children with special needs become involved in a variety of developmental and artistic programs. The new center represents Friendship Circle’s efforts to extend these types of programs to adults with special needs. The location includes an art studio, gallery, and a state-of-the-art kosher cafe that offers participants an opportunity to learn culinary skills and relevant on-the-job training. The art studio fosters the creativity, confidence, and vocational skills of members through visual and digital art programs, and the gallery hosts the artwork to show off the skills and creativity of the participants.
The Farber Soul Center plans to officially open to the community in early 2016.
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Off 2017 Success, ICF Sets Date for 2018 International Coaching Week
For nearly two decades, Dr. Sandra Schiff has served as the president of Health Mate, Inc., in Southeast Michigan, where she provides car...

Dr. Sandra Schiff, president of Health Mate, Inc., a company that provides individuals with various consulting, training, and coaching se...
Prior to becoming president of Health Mate, Incorporated in southeast Michigan, Sandra Schiff attended Wayne State University in Detroit,...
For nearly two decades, Dr. Sandra Schiff has served as the president of Health Mate, Inc., in Southeast Michigan, where she provides car...